Joseph Double Prong Skin Hook


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Joseph Double Prong Skin Hook From Robbins Instruments

Joseph Skin Hooks are a popular general-use skin hook or retractor. They are made of German stainless steel and feature two very sharp prongs for precision skin retraction to ensure a tight grip on all tissue types. We offer 4 different sizes for the Joseph Double Prong skin Hook that determines the space between the two prongs: 2MM, 5MM, 7MM, and 10MM. Smaller Sizes like 2MM and 5MM are perfect for Facelifts while larger sizes like 7MM and 11MM are ideal for rhinoplasty. We also offer a single prong variant of the Joseph Skin Hook

The lifecycle of our reusable products (canisters, cannulas, and accessories) is undefined and highly dependent on the frequency of use, preferred cleaning method, and storage conditions, among other factors. For other concerns, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.

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Hook Size

2mm, 5mm, 7mm, 11mm